Monday, May 10, 2010

Teens Views on the Church

Church, a holy gathering place for Christians to come together as one and rejoice in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Upon entering Church we are asked to be respectful and quiet as the priest goes about his secular interpretations on what Jesus has taught. As young children we are brought up knowing that Church is a place to reconcile and talk to God. However, as teens we now stray away from the simple fact that Church is where we are at our highest point in holiness. Most teens now a days find going to Church a daily chore where we must wake up early on a Sunday just to sit there and listen to some person speak for an hour. Unfortunately, the world has turned teens into narrow minded human beings in the sense that we rely solely on technology to teach us news and events that had happened and are yet to happen that we forget what life was like during times of Christ. When you walk into a Church on a Sunday morning or a Saturday night you rarely see teens sitting by themselves without their parents there to force them to go. This is because we believe there are better things in life to be doing then becoming closer to our creator Jesus Christ. I am just curious on your opinions on how teens such as yourselves view the church on a daily basis in todays society.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Teens Views on Religion (General Statement)

Teens have many different opinions on religion. Some like to to participate in their faith and the rules and regulations of their faith and then other teens disagree with it. Most teens these days are having a hard time excepting their faith. Most of teens don't really like religion in general and most don't agree with the practices that certain religions entail.Times have changed so much that we have a hard time to try to incorporate faith in our lives as teens. Everything in this century has become more advance in technology like the phones and ipods etc that we get lost in it ands forget our faith and our way of living life as a christian and teens are the main fault for that. Overall teens have many views and opinions on their faith whether they are positive or negative.