Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Teens and Religion (Conclusion)

Even though teens may have several different views on religion, many more teens will practice their faith to a greater extent if they are educated about it. As kids, we are taught our morals and customs, and if we are taught well, we are more likely to live by those teachings and pass them on. If this happens, our culture will start to accept God more, and there would be less teenage rebellion, thus causing teens to be less likely to engage in risky behavior. If we don't accept God the way we should, our community will dive deeper and deeper into the realm of sin.


  1. Agreed, every teen believes in something different. However, we should be more concerned on the teens that do not believe in anything. WE must strengthen their faith and beliefs in Christ and their religion to keep this world from falling apart. Families should bond together and discuss this topic with their children to assist them in becoming holier people. Doing this will have an immediate affect in the world and also the turnout in attendance at mass on sundays/saturdays. just want to say thank you to my group for all our hard work in getting this blog accomplished i am impressed at the final result.

    1. Why should we believe in faith? Does not believing make us without morals? Personally I am an atheist and even in the event that there is a God then I'm not going to bow down and praise them as the almighty. But that's beside the point, if you think that I'm apart from my family just because I don't follow a faith, then you must be living on your own cloud of religious perfection. Religion isn't the all binding symbol of hope, if anything, it just causes more trouble than it's worth. Quit trying to turn everyone, it's freedom that people want, not the restrictions that religion offers. This blog post won't change anything for you or me but I can at least try to hope that you'll change your ways and be more accept full of peoples opinions, this is a changing world.
      Yours truly, a faithless teen.

  2. You were asked to place some indicator (initials, first name w/last initial, etc...) so that I could tell who wrote each posting or comment. That was only done a couple times. Some good dialogue, but you need to proof read your postings. You should have used statistics from recent surveys which I instructed you to come and get from me. Also, not everyone has posted to each major posting.
