Monday, May 10, 2010

Teens everyday life involving the Church

Why has the Church become only about coming closer to God and communicating with him? Well, with modern technology we are able to use a website or a blog to express our true emotions and feelings on such topics. With religion being a very small portion of a teens life we have to rely on these aids to assist teens in their quest to become a true believer in Christ. Hearing stories of his miracles and his choice in words help us to be very intellectual in the sense that his teachings can relate to what is happening in todays world. The Ten Commandments were spelled out to us and we grow up remembering the core meanings to them. However, we stray away from what they really mean. Going to Church helps us recant on what we must do to stay in the right path. Jesus and his words are a guideline for us as teens become more consistent in attending a weekly mass. Without mass we become non believers in the sense that we cannot hear and understand what jesus had done on his time on Earth, rather we would just read out of a bible and be unable to comprehend anything. Therefore, with Mass, we can hear with the pirests tone of voice and emphasis the excitement the Jesus once had and his followers. Do you think that Mass has the same lasting affect on teens? Why or why not?


  1. While i do agree with you that going to church is necessary, Most people who take their faith seriously would be able to read the bible on their own and perfectly understand the word of God. After all, doesn't the priest read from the bible when he says the homily? well as for mass having the same lasting effect on teens, those who understand what mass is about will grow in their faith and live religious lives. Those who barely put any importance on mass will soon forget about their faith and stop practicing it altogether.

  2. i agree with this post that it is important to go to church to help your faith grow and parish. we all are suppose to go to mass for what the liturgy is and to receive the Holy Communion. that is the biggest reason why, as Catholics we go to church. while i am not to sure that mass has a lasting effect on teens, but for anybody to get something out of mass, you would have to sit,pay attention and know the main parts of the mass. i believe that mass making a lasting effect on a teen is all in the eyes of the beholder

  3. I don't think mass has lasting affects on teens simply because of our volatile nature. In other words we like to talk out the sides of our mouths. At school mass we participate, but afterwards we go out and do thing that at opposite of what we claim to believe. The majority of us have probably gone out of our way to be unnecessarily cruel to our peers and strangers, because we simply are in one word, rather condescending. Mass cannot change a person unless they are truly open to the words coming out from the mouths of those who stand before us. What does it mean to believe in words? If we can’t process their meaning then there is no emotion or thought. How can we walk in such a beautiful idea of ‘love’ if love cannot be heard or felt? Mass can teach us pretty words, but it cannot teach us what to feel.
